Professor Dr.Shafiq UrRehman
(Plant Physiologist)
Vice Chancellor
Pro-Vice Chancellor
Dean, Faculty of Biological Sciences
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences (Acting)
Visiting Professor, King Saud University, KSA
Ex- Director, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)
Ex-Vice Chancellor (2009-10)
Director, Office of the Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC)
Postal Address: Department of Botany, Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST),Kohat 26000, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
E-Mail: drshafiq@yahoo.com,dr.shafiq@kust.edu.pk
Fax: +92-922-554556
Date of Birth: 20-02-1965
Sex: Male
Nationality: Pakistani
Marital status: Married
Personal Profile
I have obtained PhD degree from Coventry University, UK, in the field of Plant (Seed & Pollen) Physiology adding later expertise in the field of molecular biology. I had opportunity to work for nearly20 years in world’s some of the best universities/labs as a professor, visiting scientist/postdoctoral research fellow in Pakistan, United Kingdom, South Africa and Republic of South Korea with the administrative responsibilities as well teaching, supervision, research, training (technical/non-technical staff) and establishment of new research facilities. Working in 3 continents with diverse background in teaching and research has equipped me with up to date knowledge and research skills.
During this time I got a valuable experience in teaching various modules namely Cell Biology, Crop Production, Agro-ecology and Sustainable Agriculture, Plant Physiology, Seed Science and Technology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Perspectives and Techniques in Biology, and Computing and Data Analysis along with the supervision of graduate and postgraduate students. Furthermore, I have successfully planned and executed numerous research projects either independently or working in a team, while working in Pakistan, UK, S. Africa and S. Korea. I have also worked in collaboration with other institutes in or out of the country of my residence. I have presented my work in some of the most prestigious conferences held in USA, UK, Spain, Turkey, South Africa, South Korea, Poland, Hungary, China, Malaysia, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. I have published nearly 100articles in internationally well-reputed peer review journals and supervised more than 50 graduate and undergraduate students.
Although, in general I am interested broadly in Seed Science & Technology (seed enhancement technology), Pollen Biology (pollination, physiology and pollen bank) and Plant Stress Physiology (abiotic stress) but currently, I am working on (1) growth promoting effects of plant derived smoke on plant (seed/pollen) performance under normal and stressed conditions (2) identification and isolation of growth promoting compounds as well gene/protein responding to plant derived smoke (3) propagation and conservation (seed/pollen/DNA bank) of medicinal plants (4) role of K in pollination and fertilization and the K transporter genes involved in translocation of K in reproductive organs of plant (5) mechanisms underlying seed dormancy in Rubus (6) the role of Na and K channel (blockers) in plants growing in saline conditions (7) proteomics i.e. proteins responding to various abiotic stresses and (8) molecular marker assisted identification of plant varieties (9) Plant proteomics.
Personal Profile
Not only working for more than a decade in 3 continents with diverse background in teaching and research has equipped me with up to date knowledge and research skills but also has provided an opportunity to excel my leadership qualities. Additionally, my managerial skills got more polished and tuned to home ground by working in KUST, Pakistan. I have been chairing various statutory bodies/committees for last ten years in KUST. The years of work in Pakistan and overseas, an excellent blend of various cultures and systems had equipped me with unique leadership qualities.
Moreover, I have served/am serving as aVice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, KUST,Dean, Faculty of Biological Science, Dean, Faculty of Social Science, Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), Director ORIC, Chairman Department of Botany, Member of Senate, Syndicate, Finance & Planning Committee, Academic Council, Advance Studies & Research Board (ASRB), I am also convener and member of several other Standing and Ad’hoc committees.
Keeping in view all that valuable experience accumulated during twenty years, I can shoulder the responsibilities in best possible manner at any kind of academic/administrator position.
Educational Qualification and Work Experience
- Since August 2016 - to date - Vice Chancellor (Acting), Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST).
- Since August 2016 - to date - Pro-Vice Chancellor, KUST
- Since Jan 2015 - to date - Director, ORIC, KUST
- 2010- 2014 -Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), KUST
- Nov 2009 - June 2010 - Vice Chancellor (Acting), KUST
- Since 2009 - to date - Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences (Acting), KUST.
- Since 2008 - to date - Dean, Faculty of Biological Sciences, KUST.
- Feb 2008 - Feb 2009 - Chairman Department of Botany
- Since Feb 2008 – to date – Professor (Tenured),Botany Department, Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
- October 2006 – Jan 2008 - HEC Professor (Foreign Faculty) – Botany Department, Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Kohat, KPK., Pakistan
- Dec 2003 – Sep 2006 - Visiting Scientist/Brain Pool Research Fellow, Chonbuk National University, South Korea.
- May 2002 – March 2003 - Member of Advisory Committee, PlantNet Co., Chonju, South Korea.
- Sep 2003 – Nov 2003 - Visiting Scientist, Korea Research Institute of Biosciences & Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon, South Korea.
- 2001 – 03: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Chonbuk National University, South Korea.
- 2000: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Natal University, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
- Aug 1999 - Jan 2000 - Visiting Scientist, Coventry University, UK.
- 1998-99: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea.
- 1997-98: Lecturer/Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Coventry University, UK.
- 1994-97: Part-time lecturer, Coventry University, UK.
- 1997: Ph.D. Coventry University, UK.
- Ph.D. Thesis Title: Physiological Responses of Acacia Seeds to Salt Stress.
- 1992: Computer Diploma. College of Commerce and Computers, Attock (Pakistan).
- 1989 – 91: MSc (Hons.) Agric. University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan).
- 1985 – 89: BSc (Hons.) Agric. Barani Agricultural College Rawalpindi (Pakistan).
PRESIDENTIAL AWARD for creative research work Izaz-i-Fazeelat, 2009.
Higher Education Commission (HEC) Approved Supervisor
Best Teacher for Year 2008 – letter of appreciation from Vice Chancellor
Recipient ofResearch Productivity Allowance (cash award), Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST).
Civil Award - Nominated by KUST for consecutive three years
Full-Length Peer Review Papers in Journals
- Rehman, S.,Harris, P.J.C., Bourne, W.F. and Wilkin, J. (1996). The effect of sodium chloride on germination and the potassium and calcium contents of Acacia seeds. Seed Science and Technology 25: 45-57.
- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Bourne, W.F. (1998). Effects of presowing treatment with calcium salts, potassium salts or water on germination and salt tolerance of Acacia seeds. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21: 277-285.
- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Bourne, W.F. (1998). The effect of sodium chloride on the calcium, potassium and sodium concentration of the seed coat and embryo of Acacia tortilisandA. coriaceaseeds. Annals of Applied Biology 133: 269-279.
- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Bourne, W.F. (1998). The effect of hardening on the salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Seed Science and Technology 26: 743-754.
- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Bourne, W.F. (1999). Effect of ageing on the germination and ion leakage of A. tortilisandA. coriaceaseeds in distilled water and sodium chloride. Seed Science and Technology 27: 141-150.
- Rehman, S., Loescher, R.N.J. and Harris, P.J.C. (1999). Dormancy Breaking and Germination of Acacia salicinaLindl. seeds. Seed Science and Technology 27: 553-557.
- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C., Bourne, W.F. and Wilkin, J. (2000). The relationship between ions, vigour and salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Plant and Soil 220: 229-233.
- Rehman, S. and Park, I.-H. (2000). Effect of scarification, GA and chilling on the germination of goldenrain-tree (KoelreuteriapaniculataLaxm.) seeds. ScientiaHorticulturae85: 319-324.
- Rehman, S. and Park, I.-H. (2000). Effect of pre-treatments on dormancy of goldenrain-tree (KoelreuteriapaniculataLaxm.) seeds. Journal of Crop Improvement (previously Journal of New Seeds) 2: 29-36.
- Chung, I.-M., Park, M. R., Rehman, S. and Yun, S. J. (2001). Tissue specific and inducible expression of resveratrol synthase gene in peanut plants. Molecules and Cells 12: 353-359.
- Rehman, S., Deghayes, A-H., Bourne, W.F., Harris, P.J.C. and Rha, E.S. (2002). Variation in salt tolerance within a batch of Acacia salicina seeds. Korean Journal of International Agriculture 14: 13-18.
- Rehman, R., Lee, K.J., Rha, E. S., Kim, J. K. and Smith, M.T. (2002). Effect of desiccation on pollen viability of Eucalyptus grandis. Korean Journal of Breeding 34: 87-89.
- Rehman,S., Lee, K.J., Rha, E. S., Yun, S.J. and Kim, J. K. (2002). Mechanisms involved in rapid swelling of sesame (Sesamusindicum L.) pollen. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Sciences 30: 203-213.
- Rehman, S., Yun, S.J., Kim, J.K., Seo, B.S., Yoo, N.H., Lee, K.J., Lee, S.C., Rha, E.S., Deghayes, A.H. Bourne, W.F. and Harris, P.J.C. (2002). Varietal response of Acacia species to salinity stress during germination and seedling growth. Korean Journal of Breeding 34: 303-307.
- Qasim, M., Ashraf, M., Jamil, M. A., Ashraf, M.Y., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2003). Water relations and leaf gas exchange properties in some elite canola (Brassica napus L.) lines under salt stress. Annals of Applied Biology 142: 307-316.
- Ashraf, M., Hanif, S., Ashraf, M.Y., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2003). Time-course changes in nutrient composition of hexaploid wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) cultivars differing in yield potential. Agrochimica 47: 133-145.
- Qasim, M., Ashraf, M., Ashraf, M.Y., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2003). Salt-induced changes in two canola cultivars differing in salt tolerance. BiologiaPlantarum 46: 629-632.
- Rehman, S.,Rha, E. S., Ashraf, M., Lee, K.J., Yun, S.J., Kwak, Y.G., Yoo, N.H. and J.-K. Kim (2004). Does barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) pollen swell in fractions of a second? Plant Science167: 137-142.
- Rehman, S., Kook, H-S., Lim, J. H., Park, M. R., Ko, J. C., Park, K. G., Choi, J. S., Kim, J. G., Lee, K. S., Seo, Y. W., Kim, J. K., Choi, K, G. and Yun, S. J. (2004). Varietal responses of pollen fertility to salt stress in barley (HordeumvulgareL.). Korean Journal of Crop Sciences 49: 410-414.
- Asharf, M., Mukhtar, N., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2004). Salt-induced changes in photosynthetic activity and growth in a potential medicinal plant Bishop's weed (Ammimajus L.). Photosynthetica 42: 543-550.
- Jamil, M., Lee, D.B., Kim, J.D., Jung, K.Y., Ashraf, M., Rehman, S., Lee, S.C. and Rha, E.S. (2005). The response of Brassica species against NaClstress during germination and seedling growth. Korean Journal of International Agriculture 17: 43-47.
- Jamil, M., Ajmal, S.U., Rehman, S. and Rha,E. S.(2005).Genetic diversity for biometrics traits in local landraces of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Korean Journal of International Agriculture, 17: 265-272.
- Rehman, S., Yoo, N. H., Park, M.R. and Yun, S.J. (2005). Confocal potassium imaging: Giving new insight into potassium concentrated at the aperture area of barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) pollen. Plant Science 169: 457-459.
- Jamil, M., Rha, E.S., Lee, C.C., Rehman, S., Lee, D.B. and Ashraf, M. (2005). Salinity (NaCl) Tolerance of Brassica Species at Germination and Early Seedling Growth. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ISSN NO. 1579-4377).
- Iqbal, M., Ashraf, M., Jamil, A. and Rehman, S. (2006). Does Seed Priming Induce Changes in the Levels of Some Endogenous Plant Hormones in Hexaploid Wheat Plants Under Salt Stress? Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48: 181-189.
- Rehman, S. and Yun, S.J. (2006). Developmental regulation of K accumulation in pollen, anther, and papillae: Are anther dehiscence, papillae hydration and pollen swelling leading to pollination and fertilization in barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) regulated by changes in potassium concentration?Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 1315-1321.
- Iqbal, M., Ashraf, M., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2006). Does polyamine seed pretreatment modulate growth and levels of some plant growth regulators in hexaploid wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) plants under salt stress? Botanical Studies 47: 239-250.
- Rehman, S., Park, T.I., Kim, Y.J., Seo, Y.W. and Yun, S.J. (2006). Inverse relationship between toxicity tolerance and boron contents of barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) seed and root. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29: 1779-1789.
- Rehman, S., Park, M.R. Ashraf, M. and Yun, S.J. (2006). Potassium distribution in the apical area of rice (Oriza sativa L.) root. Korea Journal of Crop Science 51(4): 295-297.
- Jamil, M., J. M. Kim, S. Rehman and E. S. Rha. 2007. Salinity reduced growth, PS P photochemistry and chlorophyll content in radish (Raphanussativus L.). Scientia Agricola64: 111-118.
- Jamil, M., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2007).Salinity effect on plant growth, PSII photochemistry and chlorophyll content in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and cabbage (Brassica oleraceaCapitataL.). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 39:753-760.
- Rehman, S., Jamil, M., Rha, E.S., Ashraf, M. and Yun, S.J. (2008). Is pine (Pinusdensiflora) pollen another example of potassium accumulation at sulcus area? Pakistan Journal of Botany, 40: 495-500.
- Kook, H.S., Park, T.I., Khatoon, A., Rehman, S. and Yun, S.J. (2009).Avoidance of sodium accumulation in theshoot confers tolerance to salt stressing cultivated barley. Pakistan Journal of Botany 41: 1751-1758.
- Ilahi, I., Rehman, S. and Iqbal, Z. (2009). Some studies on the mode of parasitization of Cistanchetubulosa on various host plants. Pakistan Journal of Plant Sciences 15: 145-1552.
- Park, MR., Baek, S-H., Kim, YJ.,Rehman, S. and Yun, SJ. (2010). Agronomic characteristics of transgenic rice with enhanced phosphate uptake ability by over-expressed tobacco high affinity phosphate transporter. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42: 3265-3273.
- Park, MR, Cho, E.A., Rehman, S. and Yun, SJ. (2010) Expression of a sesame geranylgeranyreductasecDNA is induced by light but repressed by abscisic acid ethylene. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42: 1815-1825.
- Ihsan, I., Iqbal, Z. and Rehman, S. (2010). Cistanchetubulosa (Schenk) R.Wight an important medicinal plant occurring in sand dunes of Karak NWFP, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42: 537-547.
- Khan, A.L., Hussain, J., Hamayun, M., Gilani, S.A., Kim,Y-H., Rehman, S., Watanabe, K.N. and Lee, I.J. (2010). Elemental allelopathy and antifungal activities of Inulafalconeri from Himalaya Pakistan. ActaAgriculturaeScandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science, 1-8.
- Jamil, M., Iqbal, W., Bangash, A., Rehman, S., Imran, M.Q. and Rha, E.S. (2010). Constitutive expression of OSC3H33, OSC3H50 and OSC3H37 genes in rice under salt stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42: 4003-4009.
- Hussain, I., Rehman, S., Amin, R., Khan, F.U. and Chishti, K.A. (2010). Phytochemical composition and heavy metal contents of Xanthium strumaruium and Solanumxanthcarpum. World Applied Sciences Journal 10: 294-297.
- Tyagi, K, Park, MR., Lee, HJ., Lee, CA., Rehman, S., Steffenson, B. and Yun, SJ. (2011). Fertile crescent region as sources of drought tolerance at early stage of plant growth of wild barley (HordeumvulgareL. SSP. Spontaneum). Pakistan Journal of Botany 43: 475-486.
- Hussain, I., Khan, F.A., Khan, H., Rehman, S. and Badrullah. (2011). Antimicrobial, phytochemical and fluorescence studies on Tribulusteresstris. Journal of Pharmacy Research 4: 1556-1558.
- Tyagi, K., Lee, H.J., Lee, C.A., Volis, S., Rehman, S.,Steffenson, B., Lee, K.J. and Yun, S.J. (2011). Diversity for seedling vigor in wild barley (Hordeumvulgare L. SSP. Spontaneum) germplasm. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43:2167-2173.
- Khan, A.M., Qureshi, R.A., Ullah, F., Gilani, S.A., Nosheen, A., Sahreen, S., Laghari, M.K., Laghari, M.Y., Rehman, S., Hussain, I. and Murad, M.(2011).Phytochemical analysis of selected medicinal plants of Margalla Hills and surroundings. .Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5: 6017-6023.
- Khan, A.L., Hamayun, M., Khan, S.A., Kang, S-M., Shinwari, Z.K., Kamran, M., Rehman, S., Kim, J-G. and Lee, I-J. (2011). Pure culture of Metarhiziumanisopliae LHL07 reprograms soybean to higher growth and mitigates salt stress. World Journal Microbiology Biotechnology, DOI 10.1007/s11274-011-0950-9.
- Rehman, S., Choi, H-R., Jamil, M. and Yun, S.J. (2011). Effect of GA and ABA on Germination Behavior of Black Raspberry (RubuscoreanusMiquel) Seeds. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43: 2811-2816.
- Jamil, M., Ashraf, M., Rehman, S., Ahmad, M. and Rha, E.S. (2012). Salinity induced changes in cell membrane stability, protein and RNA contents. African Journal of Biotechnology 11: 6476-6483.
- Kim, J-W., Kim, B-C., Lee, J-H., Lee, D. R., Rehman, S. and Yun, S.J. (2012). Protein content and composition of waxy rice grains. Pakistan Journal of Botany45: 151-156.
- Khatoon, A., Rehman, S., Hiraga, S., Makino, T. and Komatsu, S. (2012). Organ-specific flooding stress. Journal of Proteomics 75: 5706-5723
- Khatoon, A., Rehman, S., Salavati, A. and Komatsu, S. (2012).A comparative proteomics analysis in roots of soybean to compatible symbiotic bacteria under flooding stress. Amino Acids43: 2513-2525.
- Khatoon, A., Rehman, S., Oh, M-W., Woo, S-H. and Komatsu, S. (2012). Analysis of response mechanism in soybean under low oxygen and flooding stresses using gel-base proteomics technique. Molecular Biological Reports 39:10581–10594.
52- Khatoon, A., Komatsu, S. and Rehman, S.(2012). Proteomics analysis of flooding-stressed plant.Review: Current Proteomics9: 217-231.
53- Jamil, M., Malook, I., Parveen, S., Naz, T., Ali, A., Jan, S.U. and Rehman, S. (2013). Smoke priming, a potent protective agent against salinity: Effect on proline accumulation, elemental uptake, pigmental attributes and protein banding patterns of rice (Oryza Sativa). Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 9: 169-183.
54- Jamil,M.,Zeb,S., Anees,M., Roohi,A., Ahmed,I., Rehman, S.andE.S. Rha.(2013). RoleofBacillusLicheniformisinphytoremediationofnickelcontaminatedsoil cultivatedwithrice.InternationalJournalofPhytoremediation,16: 554-571.
- Kamran, M., Imran, Q.M., Khatoon, A., Lee, I.J. and Rehman, S. (2013). Effect of plant extracted smoke and reversion of abscisic acid stress on lettuce. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 45: 1541-1549.
- Sakhi, S., Shehzad, T., Rehman, S.andOkuno, K. (2013). Mapping the QTLs underlying drought stress at developmental stage of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) by association analysis. Euphytica, 193: 433-450.
- Perveen, S., Shinwari, K.I., Jan, M., Malook, I., Rehman, S., Khan, M.A. and Jamil, M. (2013). Low temperature stress induced changes in biochemical parameters, protein banding pattern and expression of Zat12 and Myb genes in rice seedling. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 9: 193-206.
- Jamil, M., Kanwal, M. Ullah, S., Aslam, M., Ijaz, M., Tu, J. and Rehman, S. (2014). Effect of plant-derived smoke priming on physiological and biochemical characteristics of rice under salt stress condition.Australian Journal of Crop Science8: 159-160.
- Sakhi, S., Shehzad, T., Rehman, S.,Okuno, K., Shazad, A., Jamil, M. (2014). Evaluation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) core collection for drought tolerance: pollen fertility and mean performance of yield traits and its components at reproductive stage. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology16: 251-260.
- Ahmad, R., Hussain, J., Jamil, M., Kim, M.D., Kwak., S.-S., Shah, M. M.andRehman, S. (2014). Glycinebetaine synthesizing transgenic potato plants exhibit enhanced tolerance to salt and cold stresses. Pakistan Journal of Botany46: 1987-1993.
- Malook, I., Atlas, A., Rehman, S., Wang, W and Jamil, M. (2014). Smoke an Environmental Hazard; Alleviate Adverse Effect of Salt Stress in Rice. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 95: 1-13.
- Aslam, M.M., Akhter, A., Jamil, M., Khatoon, A., Malook I. and Rehman S. (2014). Effect of Plant-derived smoke solution on root of Ipomoea marguerite cuttings under Cobalt Stress. Journal of Bio-Molecular Sciences2: 6-11.
- Akbar, N., Ayaz, S., Rahman, SU., Khan, S., Khn, SN., Noor, AA., Shagufta, BI., Raza, F. and Waqar, M. (2014). Molecular Detection of Entamoebahistolytica in Different Water Sources of District Peshawar, Pakistan. Annual Research & Review in Biology 4: 1461-1470.
- Asaf, S., Imran, QM.,Khatoon, A., Lubna, Jan, R., Jung, H-Y and Rehman, S. (2014). Plant derived smokepromotes seed germination and alleviates auxin stress in carrot. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science9: 208-314.
- Imran, QM.,Asaf, S., Jamil, M., Khatoon, A., Kamran, M., Falak, N. and Rehman S. (2014). Review: Plant derived smoke - the magical seed sprouter: A view from traditional to recent advancements. International Journal of Chemical and Biological Sciences (IJCBS) 1: 11-27.
- Jamil, M., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2014). Response of Growth, PSII Photochemistry and Chlorophyll Content to Salt Stress in Four Brassica Species. Life Science Journal 11: 139-145.
- Pirzada, K., Rehman, SU., Jamil. M., Irfan, S., Waheed, M.A., Aslam, M., Kanwal, M. and Khan S. (2014). Alleviation of boron stress through plant derived smoke extracts in Sorghum bicolor. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 10: 153-165.
- Jamal, Q., Ahmed, I., Rehman, SU., Abbas, S., Kim, KY. andAnees, M. (2014). Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from Coal Mines of Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan. Geomicrobilogy Journal 33: 1-9.
- Yaseen, G., Ahmad, A., Sultana, S., Alharrasi, A.S., Hussain, J., Zafar, M. and Rehman, S.U. (2014). Ethnobotany of Medicinal Plants in Thar Desert (Sindh) of Pakistan. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 163: 43-59.
- Naz,T., Khan, M. D., Ahmed, I., Rehman, S., Rha. E. S. and Jamil,M. (2015). Pseudomonas species isolated from sugar industry play a vital role in biosorption of heavy metals. Toxicology and Industrial Health1-9.
- El-Hendawy, S., Al-Suhaibani, S., Salem, A. A., Rehman, S., and Schmidhalter, U.R.S. (2015). Spectral reflectance indices as a rapid and non-destructive phenotyping tool for estimating different morpho-physiological traits of contrasting spring wheat germplasm under arid conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 39:DOI: 10.3906/tar-1406-164.
- Aslam, M.M., Jamil, M., Khatoon, A. El-Hendawy, S.E., Al-Suhaibani, N.A., Khan, S.,Malook, I. and Rehman, S.U. (2015). Does Weeds-derived Smoke Improve Plant Growth of Wheat. Journal of Bio-Molecular Science, 3: 86-96.
- El-Hendawy, S., Al-Suhaibani, S., Al-Gaadi, K., Schmidhalter, U.R.S.andRehman, S., (2015). Capability of multiple selection criteria to evaluate contrasting spring wheat germplasms under arid conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 6: 2093-2105.
- Imran, Q. M., Kamran, M., Rehman, S.U., Ghafoor, A.,Falak, N.,Kim, K-M., Lee, I-J., Yun, B-W.and Jamil, M. (2015). GA mediated OsZAT-12 expression improves salt resistance of rice. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (DOI: 10.17957/IJAB/15.0090).
- Shinwari, K. I., Jan, M., Shah, G., Khatak, S.R., Rehman, S.U., Khan, M. D., Rehan N. and Jamil, M. (2015). Seed priming with salicylic acid induces tolerance against chromium (VI) toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(SI): 161-170.
- Phat, P., Rehman, S. U., Jung, H.-.I. andJu, H.-J. (2015). Optimization of soybean (Glycine max L.) regeneration from Korean cultivars. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 6: 2379-2385.
- Shakir, S.K., Kanwal, M., Murad, W., Rehman, Z.U., Rehman, S.U., Daud, M.K. and Azizullah, A. (2015). Effect of some commonly used pesticides on seed germinaion, biomass production and photo synthetic pigments in tomoto (Lycopersiconesculentum). Ecotoxicology (DOI 10.1007/s10646-015-1591-9).
- Abbasi, A., Z., Bilal, M., Hussain, J., Shah, M. M.,Hassan, A., Kwon, S._Y. Rehman, S. and Ahmad, R. (2016). Robust regenration protocol for the Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of Solanumtuberosu.Pakistan Journal of Botany 48(2): 707-712.
- Shakir, S.K., Azizullah,Murad, W.,Daud, M.K., Nabeela, F., Rahman,H.,Rehman,S and Hader, P.D. (2016). Toxic metal pollution in Pakistan and its possible risks to public health. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1-60. DOI 10.1007/398_2016_9.
- Aslam, M. M., Jamil, M., Malook, I., Khatoon, A., Rehman, A., Rahim, A., Khan, P., Shakir S. K., Irfan, S., Ullah, F., Bashar, K.U., Afridi, M. and Rehman, S. (2016). Phytotoxic effects of Calotropisprocera, Tamarixaphylla and Peganumharmalaon plant growth of wheat and mustard. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 29 (1) 43-52.
- Khan, A.R.,Ullah, I., Waqas, M., Park, G.-S., Khan, A.L., Hong, S.-J., Jung, B.- K., Park, C.- E., Lee, I.-J., Rehman, S., Lee, I.-J., Shin, J.-H. (2016). Active colonization of IAA producing fungal endophyte extend heavy metal stress resistance through immobilization to reduce uptake and phytotoxicity by modifying the anti-oxidative mechanism. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety(Accepted - IF 3.13).
- Gulmeena Shah, Mehmood Jan, MehvishAfreen, Muhammad Anees,
ShafiqRehman, Muhammad Jamil. (2016). Halophilic bacteria mediated phytoremediation of salt-affected soilscultivated with rice. Journal of Geochemical Exploration
doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.03.011.
- Waheed, M. A, M. Jamil, M.K. Daud, Shakir, S.K and Rehman, S. (2016). Effect of plant derived smoke solution on physiological and biochemical characterization of maize. Pakistan Journal of Botany.Pak. J. Bot., 48(5): 1763-1774.
- IjazMalook, GulmeenaShah, Mehmood Jan, Kamran Iqbal Shinwari, ·
M. MudasarAslam, ·Shafiqur Rehman,·Muhammad Jamil. (2017.Smoke Priming Regulates Growth and the Expression ofMyeloblastosis and Zinc-Finger Genes in Rice under Salt Stress.Arab J Sci Eng. 1-9. doi:10.1007/s13369-016-2378-x
Papers in Preparation
- Rehman, S. Does plant derived smoke alleviate salt stress?.
- Khatoon, A. and Rehman, S. Effect of Different Plant Extracted Smoke on Physio-Morphological Features of Certain Leguminous Plants.
- Iqbal, Z. and Rehman, S. Studies on the Distribution, Host Range, Conversation and Economic Status of the Members of Family Orobanchaceae in District Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
- Sultana, N. and Rehman, S. Effect of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and Plant Extracted Smoke on Seed Germination and Seedling of different Plants.
- Irfan, S. and Rehman, S. Elemental Analysis of Plant Derived Smoke Solution and their Effect on Seed Germination and Plant Growth.
- Rahim, A. and Rehman, S. DNA Bar-coding and Phylogenetic Analysis of Zingiber Species.
- Aslam, M. and Rehman, S. Screening of different Plant Derived Smoke Solution for their Effect on Seed Germination and Plant Growth of Wheat.
- Ullah, S. and Rehman, S. Effect of Plant –Derived Smoke Solutions on pollen performance of different plants.
- Lubna, and Rehman, S. Allelopathic Effect of Acacia Nilotica on Seed Germination of Crops.
Full-Length Peer Review Papers in Proceedings
1- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Bourne, W.F. (1996). The role of calcium and potassium contents in the salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Transactions of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology.Vol. 7.
2- Park, I.-H. andRehman, S. (1999). Studies on seed dormancy: Seeds maturation in relation to dormancy in goldenrain-tree (KoelreuteriapaniculataLaxm.). ActaHorticulturae (ISHA) 504: 199-208.
3- Rehman, S., Bandu, V., and Smith, M.T. (2000). Pollen size and viability in Eucalyptus grandis. Microscopy Society of Southern Africa - Proceedings 30: 43.
4- Rehman, S. and Lee, K.J. (2002). Why pollen swells in fractions of a second? Proceeding of the Plant Resources of Society of Korea. Pp. 29-30.
5- Rehman, S. Lee, W.H. and Lee, K.J. (2002). Cytoplasmic-fertile versus –sterile pollen: A morphological comparison. Proceeding of the Plant Resources of Society of Korea. Pp. 31-32.
6- Kim, J.K., Yoo, N.H., Rehman, S. and Rha, E.S. (2002). Some consideration on seed marketing and seed quality control.Bulletin of the College of Agriculture, Chonbuk National University, Korea. Vol. 32: 70-77.
Book(s) Chapter/Monograph
1- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Ashraf, M. (2005). Stress environments and their impact on crop production. In: Abiotic stresses: Plant resistance through breeding and molecular approaches (eds. M. Ashraf and PJC Harris). Pp. 3-18. The Haworth Press, Inc., NY 13904-1580.
2- Rehman, S.,Khatoon, A., Iqbal, Z., Jamil, M., Ashraf, M. and Harris, P.J.C. (2009). Prediction of Salinity Tolerance Based on Biological and Chemical Properties of Acacia Seeds. In: Salinity and Water Stress: Improving Crop Efficiency (eds. M. Ashraf, M. Ozturk, and H.R. Athar). Pp. 19-23. Springer Publications, Germany.
3- Jamil, M., Asharf, M.,Rehman, S.andRha, E.S. (2009). Cell membrane stability (CMS): a simple technique to check salt stress alleviation through seed priming with GA3 in canola. In: Salinity and Water Stress: Improving Crop Efficiency (eds. M. Ashraf, M. Ozturk, and H.R. Athar). Pp. 117-127. Springer Publications, Germany.
4-Iqbal, Z., Gilani, S.A., Rehman, S.U., Markhand, G.S and Watanbe, K.N. (2012). Monograph on Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera). Plant Genetic Resources Monograph Series (PGRM) 13, Plant Genetic Diversity Group, Gene Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.
Conference Papers/Abstracts
1- Rehman, S., Bourne, W.F. and Harris, P.J.C. (1997). Effect of seed pretreatment on the germination and ion content of Acacia species during salt stress. (Abstract P8.8 SEB Annual Meeting) Journal of Experimental Botany 48 (Supplement): 66.
2- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Bourne, W.F. (1997). The relationship between ions, vigour and salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Paper presented in a symposium "Seed Biology and Technology: Applications and Advances" held on 13-15 August 1997, in Colorado State University Fort Collin, USA.
3- Rehman, S., Bourne, W.F. and Harris, P.J.C. (1998). The role of the seed coat in the ion exchange of Acacia seeds. (Abstract P4.34 SEB Annual Meeting) Journal of Experimental Botany 48 (Supplement): 33.
4- Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C. and Bourne, W.F. (1998). The effect of hardening on the salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Paper presented in Sixth Symposium on Stand Establishment and ISHS Seed Symposium, held from 15-19 May 1998 in Roanoke, Virginia, USA.
5- Rehman, S. and Park, I.-H. (1999). Effect of soaking or soaking and redrying prior chilling on the dormancy of goldenrain-tree (KoelreuteriapaniculataLaxm.) seeds. Paper presented in World Seed Conference, held from 6-8 September 1999 in Cambridge, UK.
6- Rehman, S., Bourne, W.F. and Harris, P.J.C. (1999) Response of Acacia bivenosa, A. salicina, A. saligna and A. tumida to salinity stress during seed germination and seedling growth. Paper presented in World Seed Conference, held from 6-8 September 1999 in Cambridge, UK.
7- Rehman, S., Bourne, W.F. and Harris, P.J.C. (2000). Theoretical effects of altered biological and chemical properties on salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Paper presented in a conference ‘Salt and Water Stress in Plants’ held from 20-25 August 2000, in Tilton, New Hampshire, USA.
8- Rehman, S., Jones, W. and Smith, M.T. (2000). Collection and processing of Eucalyptus grandis pollen for optimal viability. In: Proceedings"Forest Genetics for the Next millennium", IUFRO WorkingParty2.08.01, Durban, South Africa, 8-13October 2000.Pp. 254.
9- Rehman,S., Lee, K.J., Rha, E. S. and Kim, J. K. (2002). Changes in potassium distribution with the maturity of barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) pollen. Paper presented in “XVIIth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction” held from 9-13 July 2002, Lublin, Poland.
10- Rehman, S.and Lee, K.J. (2002). A possible role of potassium in rapid swelling of pollen. Paper presented in “XVIIth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction” held from 9-13 July 2002, Lublin, Poland.
11- Rehman,S. and Smith, M.T. (2002). Cytoplasmic sterile versus fertile pollen: Morphological and ultrastructural studies of Eucalyptusgrandispollen.Paper presented in “XVIIth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction” held from 9-13 July 2002, Lublin, Poland.
12-Senarath, WTPSK, Lee, KJ, Rehman, S and Lee, WH.(2002) Cryopreservation of Capsicum annuumvargrossumusing encapsulation/dehydration of apices produced in vitro. Proceedings of the 9th international Symposium of the Plant Resources Society of Korea, 53.
13-Senarath, WTPSK, Stevens, WF, Lee, KJ, Rehman, S and Lee, WH.(2002) Use of Chitosan-TPP microsphere as a matrix for the encapsulation of somatic embryos of Capsicum annuumvargrossum.Proceedings of the 9th international Symposium of the Plant Resources Society of Korea, 52.
14-Rehman, S., Kim, J.K. and Lee, K.J. (2006). Developmental regulation of K accumulation in pollen, anther and papillae of barley ((Hordeumvulgare L.).Paper presented in “XIXth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction” held from 11-15 July 2006, Budapest, Hungary.
15- Rehman, S. et al. (2007).Paper presented in “American Society of Plant Biologist” held from 7-12 July 2007, Chiago, USA.
16-Rehman, S., and Khan, S. (2010). Miraculous plant derived smoke increase pollen performance.Paper presented in “XXI International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction” held from 2nd-6th August 2010, Bristol, UK.
17- Rehman, S. et al. (2011). Plant Derived Smoke: A Bio-Enhancer and Bio-Fertilizer. Paper presented in “Pakistan Botanical Society Meeting” held from 22-24 February 2011, GCU, Lahor, Pakistan.
18. Rehman, S. and Kamran, M. (2011). Effect of plant extracted smoke and reversion of abscisic acid stress on lettuce. Paper presented in “National Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Changing Climate, July 7-9, Bara Gali, Pakistan.
Trainings/Workshops/Seminars/Conferences ORGANISED/PARTICIPATED
- Attended ‘XIXth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction’ at Budapest, Hungary, July, 11-15 2006.
- Organizing Two days national workshop on ‘Growing Mushrooms; Perspective and Potentials for Rural Communities’ on May, 2-3, 2007 at KUST, Kohat, KPK, Pakistan.
- Participated in one day seminar on ‘Seminar on internship’on june 01, 2007 at KUST, Kohat, KPK, Pakistan.
- Participants in ‘One day National Seminar on’ ‘Quality Enhancement Practices’ in Higher Education held on 16 August, 2007 at KUST, Kohat, Pakistan.
- Organizer of Two days’ workshop on ‘Ethics in Life Sciences’ November, 28-29, 2007 at KUST, Kohat, KPK, Pakistan.
- Organizer of One day’ Seminar on ‘Molecular Aspects of Host Parasite Relationship’ Nov, 01, 2007 at Department of Zoology, KUST, Kohat, KPK, Pakistan.
- Organizer of two Days International Workshop on ‘Biotechnology for Development’ March 4-5, 2008, KUST, Kohat, Pakistan.
- Attended one day workshop on ‘Where Government and Academia Meet”Organized by DoST, KPK and University of Peshawar on 29th April, 2008.
- Participants in ‘One day National Seminar on’ ‘Quality Enhancement Practices’ on 15th May, 2008 at KUST, Kohat, Pakistan.
- ‘National Seminar onBiotechnology for Development’ June 10th 2008, University of Science and Technology, Bannu, Pakistan.
- ‘Pakistan Botanical Society Meeting’ held from 22 – 24 February 2011, GCU, Lahore, Pakistan.
- ‘National Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Changing Climate’ from July 7th – 9th 2011,Bara Gali, Pakistan.
- Participation in One Day workshop on ‘Semester System’ on 7th October, 2011 at KUST, Kohat, Pakistan.
- ‘International Workshop on Medicinal Plants: Conservation and Sustainable Use” held from 8-10 December 2011, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Participated in 8th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research held in Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom from June 26th – 29th 2012.
- ‘12th National and 3rd International Conference of Botany’ Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad organized by Pakistan Botanical Society & Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan, 1st – 3rd Sep 2012.
- ‘Participation/ Presentation at 4th International Weed Science Conference’, “Vegetation Management in 21st Century” at Agriculture University Peshawar, Pakistan, Sept 6th – 8th, 2012.
- ‘Participation/ Paper Presentation in 1st National Conference on Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Management of Biodiversity in Pakistan’ organized by ‘Institute of Plant Sciences and Biodiversity, University of Swat at Bara Gali Summer Campus University of Peshawar from September 29th – 30th, 2012.
- ‘Organizer of one day workshop on ‘Developing Mission, Objectives and Outcomes’ at KUST, Kohat on October 10th 2012.
- One day workshop on ‘Assessment of Academics Programs’ on December, 18, 2012 at KUST, KPK, Pakistan.
- Participation in the National Conference of Agriculture in Arid Environment on Food Security in Arid Environment at BahauddinZakariya University, Bahadur Sub Campus, Layyah – Pakistan from March 25 – 26, 2013.
- Participated in One Day Seminar on ‘Raising Awareness and Encouraging Students for Research on Zoonotic & Environmentally Transmitted Diseases & Response’, Organized by Relief International under Bio-Engagement Program ‘Livestock for Life’ ProjectPakistan on March 28, 2013 at KUST, Kohat.
- Two days’ workshop on ‘Curriculum Development & Students Assessment’ on 18-19 March, 2014, KUST, Kohat, Pakistan
- Participatedas Resource Person in International Symposium on ‘Strategies for Overcoming Food Security Problems through Utilization of Rain-Fed Areas’ organized by Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha held at University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan from March 26 – 28, 2014.
- Participated in ‘International Day for Biological Diversity’ March 22, 2014, KUST, KPK, Pakistan.
- One Day Workshop on ‘Developing Industry Driven Technologies’ held on April, 29, 2014, Departmnt of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering and ORIC, KUST, Kohat, KPK, Pakistan.
- Participated as Resource Person in 5-Day Indigenous On-Campus Training For (Drivers) organized by Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad, Pakistan held at Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat from November 24-28, 2014.
- Orgnaizer of the “Reserch Poster Exhibation-2015’held in Departmnt of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, KUST, Kohat, KPK, Pakistan.
- Five days Orientation workshop on ‘Unified Semester System Examination in Universities of KPK’ held at KUST, Kohat on May 27-28, 2105.
- Three days indegebnous on campus training for Naib Qasids at KUST, Kohat from Feb, 16-18, 2015
Leadership/ Professional Trainings
- Participated in ‘One day National Workshop’ on Technology Incubation Cell at KUST from Industrial Liaison Cell on August, 20, 2008.
- ‘Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Policy’ sponsored by OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) and HEC, Islamabad, 6th – 10th June 2011.
- ‘SAARC Regional Conference on New Frontiers in Agriculture Genomics and Biotechnology’ organized by National Institute for Genomics & Advanced Biotechnology, Islamabad, Pakistan, June 5th – 7th, 2012.
- Participated in International Conference on ‘Science Policies and Restructuring of National Systems of Innovation’ sponsored by CMSTECH and ISESCO, organized by COMSTECH, in Islamabad from October 3rd – 5th, 2012.
- Participation in the Training Course on ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ jointly sponsored by COMSTECH and Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia Organized by COMSTECH at Islamabad from November 12 – 16, 2012.
- Participated in 1st CIIT International Workshop on QS University Rankings organized by COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad held at Islamabad on May 2, 2013.
- Participated in One Week Training Course on ‘Foresight for Innovation Policy’ organized by COMSTECH, in Islamabad with the sponsorship from Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia from August 26 – 30, 2013.
- Participated in “2-day Curriculum Based Training Programme in Botany” held in HEC Regional Centre Lahore from April 21-22, 2014.
- Participated in Two Days Training on ‘Expand Scholarship Program with Private Industry and Alum Fund Raising’ organized by HEC Tertiary Education Support Project Islamabad, Pakistan’ held at Mar gala Hotel, Islamabad from September 18 – 19, 2014.
- Participated in ‘4th Invention to Innovation Summit 2015’ on March 4-5, 2015 at University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Participated in the training workshop on “Leadership and Change Management” held on March 24-27, 2015. Organized by HEC Tertiary Education Support Program.
- Participated in the training workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” held on April 18-19, 2015. Organized by HEC Tertiary Education Support Program.
- Participated in International Conference on ‘Strengthening Business Schools through Partnerships’ on 17-18 Feb, 2016 at Pearl Continental, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Participation in a “Leadership Development Programme” held on 10 August to 16 August 2016, in the University of Glasgow, UK organized by British Council and HEC
List of Students Supervised
Programme: M.Phil.
S. No.
Title of Research
Pirzada Khan
Plant Sciences
2010 Completed
Supervisor 1
Effect of Boron Toxicity and Plant Derived Smoke on Plant Roots
Amana Khatoon
Plant Sciences
Supervisor 1
Effect of Different Plant Extracted Smoke on Physio-Morphological Features of Certain Leguminous Plants
Zafar Iqbal
Plant Sciences
Supervisor 1
Studies on the Distribution, Host Range, Conversation and Economic Status of the Members of Family Orobanchaceae in District Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Nazia Sultana
Plant Sciences
Supervisor 1
Effect of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and Plant Extracted Smoke on Seed Germination and Seedling of different Plants
Asia Bangash
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
Supervisor II
Effect of Priming on the Enhancement of Expression of Zinc Finger Protein Gene under Salt Stress in Rice
Waqas Iqbal
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering.
Supervisor II
Characterizaiton of Stress Genes in Rice under Salt Stress
Plant Sciences
Supervisor 1
Elemental Analysis of Plant Derived Smoke Solution and their Effect on Seed Germination and Plant Growth
Abdul Rahim
Plant Sciences
Supervisor 1
DNA Bar-coding and Phylogenetic Analysis of Zingiber Species
M. MudasarAslam
Plant Sciences
Supervisor 1
Screening of different Plant Derived Smoke Solution for their Effect on Seed Germination and Plant Growth of Wheat
Shakirullah Khan
Plant Sciences
Supervisor 1
Effect of Plant –Derived Smoke Solutions on Pollen Performance of Different Plants
Ghazala Nawaz
Supervisor 1
Effect of Plant-Derived Smoke Solutions on Ex-Plant Cuttings In Comparison With Auxin (Indol Butyric Acid)
Laila Rubab
Supervisor II
Sero Molecular Prevalence of Giardia and Cryptosporidum in differenct communities consuming different drinking water sources in Kohat
Supervisor II
Biocontrol Potential of the Indigenous Trichoderma Isolates against Plant Pathogenic Strains of FusariumOxysporum
Supervisor II
Prevalence of Waterborne Zoonotic Parasites Among School Children in Kohat
Supervisor 1
Allelopathic Effect of Acacia Nilotica L. on Seed Germination of Crops
Supervisor 1
Effect of Plant-Derived Smoke Solutions on Physiological and Biochemical Characterization of Rice (OryzaSativa L.) Cultivars under Salt (NaCl) Stress
Supervisor 1
Effect of Smoke on Plant Growth Derived from Different Biomass of CymbopogonjawarancusaL.Collected From Different Geographical Regions
Noor ul Akbar
Supervisor II
Molecular Detection of EntamoebaHistolytics and CryptosporadiumParvum in Water Sources of District Peshawar
Supervisor II
Incidence of EntamoebaHistolytica and Giardia Lamblia in Stream and Open Well Water Sources of District Hangu
M. Imran
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering.
Supervisor II
Effect of Priming on Different Physiological, Biochemical and Genetical Processes of Rice under Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Stress
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering.
Supervisor II
Effect of Smoke Priming on Biochemical and Molecular Profile of Rice (Oryzasativa L.) under Salt Stress
Salma Perveen
Bitoech& Genetic Engineering.
Supervisor II
Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Rice under Low Temperature Stress
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
Supervisor II
Effects of Hormonal Priming on Metabolic and Molecular Profile of Rice under Salt Stress
Iqbal Nisa
Supervisor II
Effect of Chromogenic Bacteria on Plant Growth Alone or in Combination with Plant Derived Smoke
Supervisor II
Microcosmic Evaluation of Plant-Derived Smoke Effect on Soil Microflora
Umber Gul
Supervisor 1
Effect of Plant Derived Smoke Solutions on Maize (Zea maysL.) Under Combined Salinity and Drought Stress
Basreen Akhtar
Supervisor 1
Effect of Plant Derived Smoke on Yield and Nutritional Value of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
Supervisor 1
Differential Response of Root and Shoot of Rice Seedling to Salt Stress
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering.
Supervisor II
Effect of Hormonal Priming on Metabolic and Molecular Profile of Rice under Slat Stress
Nazneen Akhter
Biotechnology &Genetic Engineering
Supervisor II
Phytoremediation of lead contaminated soil through smoke
Gulmeena Shah
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering.
Supervisor 1
Effect of smoke solution and plant growth promoting rizobacteria on rice under cadmium stress
Supervisor II
Prevalence of Waterborne Zoonotic Parasites Among School Children in Kohat
Muhammad Yaqoob
Supervisor II
Effect of Traffic Pollution on Morphological Anatomical and Biochemical Characteristic of DalbergiaSissooL. and ZizphusJujubaL. Growing on the Roadside, Distt. Karak
Fayyazur Rehman
Supervisor II
Isolation and identification of Antifungal Chitinolytic Bacteria From the Diseased Vegetable Fields of Distt. Charsadda
List of Supervised/under supervision Student
Programme: Ph.D.
S. No.
Title of Research
Amana Khatoon
Supervisor 1
Functional Analysis of Flooding Responsive Proteins in Soybean (Glycine max L. Cultivar Enrei) using Proteomics Approach
Supervisor 1
Evaluation of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Germplasm at Developmental Stages and Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) Underlying Drought Stress
Zafar Iqbal
In Progress
Supervisor I
Studying Genetic Biodiversity of the Date-Palm (Phoenix dactyliferous L) genotypes in Pakistan using various molecular markers
M. Abdul Waheed Shah
In Progress
Supervisor I
Effect of Plants-Derived Smoke Solution of Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular characterization of Maize (Zea mays L) under Slat Stress
M. MudasarAslam
In Progress
Supervisor I
“Proteomic Responses of Maize (Zea maysL. ) Seed & seedling to the Plant Derived Smoke Solution.”
ShakirUllah Khan
In Progress
Supervisor II
Effects of Pesticides on Physiological, Anatomical, Biochemical & Molecular Characteristics of Tomato (LecopersiconeseulentumMill)
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
In Progress
Supervisor II
Biochemical & Molecular Response of Spinach Associated with Microbes in Remediation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soil
Pirzada Khan
In Progress
Supervisor I
Physiological, biochemical and proteomics responses in tomato grown under light emitting diodes.
Ali Rehman
In Progress
Supervisor I
Effect of plant derived smoke solution on nodulation and proteomics of chickpea.
Research Projects
1-Botinical, Chemical and Pharmacological Studies of Important Medicinal Plants by Establishment of Medicinal Plant Farm at KUST, HEC Funded. (PI)Rs 4.771 millions
2. Research Project with Korea Research Institute of Biosciences & Biotechnology (KRIBB, South Korea) worth USD30,000
3- Development of Biological Control of Fungal Diseases in Vegetables using Chitinolytic Bacteria (As Co-PI) (2016) Rs, 8.737 Millions.
4. International linkages of Pakistani Universities with foreign Universities (ILPUFC), As a Link Coordinator (15.41 Millions)
1. Dr. P.J.C. Harris
School of Science and Environment, Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5FB, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 24 76888349
Fax: +44 (0) 24 76888702
E-Mail: pjc.harris@btopenworld.com
2. Dr.Song Joong Yun
Faculty of Biological Resources Science, College of Agriculture, Chonbuk National University, Chonju 561-756, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 (0) 63 270208
Fax: +82 (0) 63 2702460
E-Mail: sjyun@chonbuk.ac.kr
3. Prof.Dr.FidaYunusKhattak
Ex-Vice Chancellor
Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST)
Kohat 26000
Khyber Pakhtunkwa
Tel: +92 (0) 3348680806
+92 (0) 922-52914776
E-Mail: fida_k@hotmail.com